Mountain Teachers Dangerously Cross a River on Their Way to School

A video of teachers risking their lives by crossing a river a on their way to school has gone viral on Facebook. The video was uploaded by Sir Ryan Pugales, an elementary teacher from Bukidnon.

Mountain Teachers Dangerously Cross a River
Photo courtesy of Sir Ryan Pugales


As of writing, the video has already been viewed 22 thousand times and is being shared continuously. Teachers and other Facebook users who have watched the video urged Sir Ryan to send the video to the higher authorities to let them know of such situation our fellow teachers from Bukidnon are currently facing, everyday.

Unparalleled Devotion to Service

Teaching, among all other professions, probably is the most demanding job there is but it’s also one the most rewarding job one can have. The video below only proves how much sacrifice we are willing to do in our efforts to provide quality education to our pupils.

On a sad note, it is a MUST for our government to be enlightened about the sacrifices of teachers and aid them in whatever way they can to lessen situations like these wherein teachers risk their own lives on their way to school.

All credits goes to Sir Ryan Pugales for the video footage. His original post can be seen here.

Please share this article so we can spread the message and make the higher authorities in our department be aware of this. Thank you.

Sharing is caring!

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