DO 12, s. 2017 – Implementation of P 4,000.00 Net Take Home Pay for Department of Education Personnel

DO 12, s. 2017

Implementation of P 4,000.00 Net Take Home Pay for Department of Education Personnel

To:    Undersecretaries

          Assistant Secretaries

          Bureau and Service Directors

          Regional Directors

          Schools Division Superintendents

          Public Elementary and Secondary Schools Heads

          All Others Concerned

For the information and guidance of all concerned, the new threshold on Net Take Home Pay of the Department of Education personnel as stipulated in Section 47 (Authorized Deductions) of the General Provisions of Republic Act No. 10924, General Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2017, entitled An Act Appropriating Funds for the Operation of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines from January One to December Thirty One, Two Thousand and Seventeen, and for Other Purposes, shall now be Four Thousand Pesos (P 4,000.00).

The concerned personnel in the payroll and other involved units/offices in the central, regional, and schools division offices, as well as the fiscally autonomous secondary schools, are hereby instructed to strictly enforce this Order.

Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.




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