P6k Clothing Allowance Release Date and Agreements for FY 2021
Source: DepEd USec Annalyn M. Sevilla’s Facebook page
Source: DepEd USec Annalyn M. Sevilla’s Facebook page
By the end of the 20th century, researchers noticed that, for a successful career, it was not enough to have high intelligence and be an expert in some field. Something more is needed, something related to the feelings and emotions…
Since the Fiscal Year 2016, the Productivity Enhancement Incentive has been given not earlier than December 15 of every year to all qualified government employees at Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000) each for the purpose of improving the government employees’ productivity.…
Essays on Sibyl TV series require knowing the plot structure Learn what to write in your essay on Sally Field Sybil topic to compose a substantial and exhaustive paper. The following post gives plenty of tips. How to Write an…
Hello teachers and colleagues under the Department of Education! It’s almost two months since I last posted here at DepEd Forum. Today, I will be sharing with you my newly created Brigada Eskwela 2017 t-shirt design. It’s only a matter of…
Certificate of Completion and Diploma Templates for Grades 6, 10, 12 were initially enclosed in DO No.8, s. 2017. However, the Portable Document File (PDF) that is available for download at the official website of DepEd doesn’t contain the said…
Each year, during graduation season, it is not just a common practice but a tradition to look for the best, memorable, and tear-jerking graduation songs. Today, I’ll be sharing with you “Kumusta at Paalam” , an originally composed graduation song…
February 17, 2017 DO 8, s. 2017 School Year 2016-2017 End of School Year Rites To: Bureau and Service Directors Regional Directors ARMM Secretary Schools Division Superintendents Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools Heads All Others Concerned For School…
DO 12, s. 2017 Implementation of P 4,000.00 Net Take Home Pay for Department of Education Personnel To: Undersecretaries Assistant Secretaries Bureau and Service Directors Regional Directors Schools Division Superintendents Public Elementary and Secondary…