Additional Guidelines On The DepEd National Uniforms For Teaching And Non-Teaching Personnel – DepEd MEMORANDUM No.84, s.2016

DepEd National Uniforms

May 20, 2016

DepEd MEMORANDUM No.84, s.2016


To: Undersecretaries Assistant Secretaries Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents Bureau and Service Directors
Public Elementary and Secondary Schools Heads All Others Concerned

1. The guidelines on the Department of Education (DepEd) National Uniforms for Teaching and Non-Teaching Personnel was announced through DepEd Memorandum (DM) No. 60, s. 2016. In view of this, the following additional guidelines are hereby issued:

a. The national uniform for male teaching and non-teaching personnel shall be as follows:

a.1 Polo: White and off-white (half button)
a.2 Pants: Dark gray or black

b. The national uniform for female teaching and non-teaching personnel shall be as follows:

b. l Teaching Personnel (including Principals)

1. Blouse: Beige and pink
ii. Pants: Black and dark Gray

b.2 Non-Teaching Personnel

1. Blouse: Green and blue
11. Pants: Dark gray or black

c. The textile materials to be used m the uniform should be a combination of polyester, rayon, and cotton. The color specification of the uniforms will be limited to a range of two colors. The details are contained in Enclosure No. 1.

d. For better appreciation, designs and color specifications can be downloaded on The schedule of wearing the uniforms is contained in Enclosure No. 2.

e. The effectivity of wearing the prescribed uniform will be on August 1, 2016. Said uniforms shall be used for School Years (SYs) 2016-2018.

2. Pursuant to DM No. 60, s. 2016 entitled Guidelines on the DepEd National Uniforms for Teaching and Non-Teaching Personnel , the DepEd underscores the following points:

a. Only the approved national uniforms should be used by both teaching and non-teaching personnel. There shall be no regional and schools divisions uniforms to have uniformity across all offices.

b. The teaching and non-teaching personnel from central, regional, division and district offices, and public elementary schools are free to purchase and obtain the prescribed uniform materials from any available source that comply with the standards set.

c. Bulk buying of fabric is prohibited. Those who have authority over teachers and any DepEd official found violating this rule shall be subject to appropriate sanctions and disciplinary action. All concerned must send to the DepEd Central Office (CO) a written report of any DepEd official who compels or coerces teaching and non-teaching personnel to purchase the uniform materials from a specific source, including the official himself / herself.

d. Modifications or adjustments on the prescribed uniforms (e.g. long sleeves instead of short sleeves, skirts instead of pants for the female employees) to conform with religious, social, and cultural requirements or any legitimate practice related thereto shall be allowed.

e. The following personnel are exempted from wearing the prescribed uniforms:

e. l School officials who occupy third level positions in the Career Executive Service (CES);
e.2 Medical and dental staff who shall wear their profession’s uniforms;
e.3 Janitors, utility workers, and maintenance personnel who shall wear appropriate working attire;
e.4 Legal officers, i.e. lawyers/ attorneys, whose nature of work requires a different dress code;
e.5 Teaching and non-teaching personnel with physical disabilities and other legitimate health reasons;
e.6 Pregnant employees who shall wear maternity dresses during their period of pregnancy; and
e.7 Teaching and non-teaching personnel who are in mournmg may wear the appropriate mourning clothes.

f. This Office wishes to reiterate and inform all concerned that it has not endorsed, accredited nor authorized any particular supplier to approach the regional and division offices declare himself / herself as the exclusive distributor of the textile materials for the DepEd uniforms. Any uniform supplier who visits DepEd offices and uses the name of the undersigned or of any official in the CO in trying to get a deal for the supply of the DepEd uniforms must be reported to the Office of the Secretary. (Attention: National Uniform Committee).

g. Non-compliance to and deliberate defiance of this Order shall be dealt with administratively pursuant to Section 22.C (Violation of Reasonable Office Rules and Regulations), Rule XIV, Revised Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of the Administrative Code of 1987 (Executive Order No. 292).

3. Based on these provisions, the following documents are enclosed for reference:

a. Enclosure No. 1 Color Specifications of the DepEd National

b. Enclosure No. 2

c. Enclsoure No. 3

Schedule of Wearing the DepEd National Uniforms; and
Design and Sketches of the DepEd National Uniforms.

4. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.


Download DepEd MEMORANDUM No.84, s.2016

DepEd Uniform

DepEd Uniform

DepEd National Uniform

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